Please read our pre & post care carefully.

Dermal Fillers

• Avoid Advil, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Aspirin, Motrin, Vitamin E, Fish oil, St. John's Wort, and
other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory products 14 days prior to treatment to help
decrease your chance of bruising.
• Do not stop taking any medications that have been prescribed to you without first
discussing it with your prescribing physician.
• Avoid alcohol 24 hours before your treatment to reduce the chances of bruising.
• Schedule your injections appt at least 1 month prior to a special event, such as a
wedding or vacation. To allow yourself time for a follow-up 2 weeks prior. Bruising may
be apparent in that time frame.

• You are not a candidate if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

• Call our office if you notice blanching (whitening of the skin) or have any other concerns.
• Do NOT massage/rub/manipulate treated areas for 24 hours.
• Do NOT perform strenuous activities (heavy lifting, cardio, yoga, etc.) for 24 hours as it
may increase swelling.
• Avoid tanning beds, steam rooms, and saunas for 24 hours.
• No facials, massages, exfoliating, or using any Clarisonic devices for at least 7 days
following injections.
• If there is bruising at the injection site, apply ice and apply arnica gel.


• Discontinue the use of Retin A, Retinols, Vitamin A creams and other topical
medications for 1 week before your microneedling treatment.
• Minimize sun exposure 1 week prior to treatment.
• Avoid Advil, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Aspirin, Motrin, Vitamin E, Fish oil, St. Johns Wort, and
other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory products 14 days prior to treatment to help
decrease your chance of bruising.
• Do not stop taking any medications that have been prescribed to you without first
discussing it with your prescribing physician.
• If you are prone to cold sores, please take your HSV medication the day of your
treatment (e.g. acyclovir or valacyclovir).
• Cleanse the treatment area well prior to your appointment.

• NO makeup for 24 hours following treatment.
• Avoid the following products for 24 hours post-treatment: Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Beta
Hydroxy Acid, Retinol (Vitamin A), Vitamin C or anything perceived as ‘active’ skincare.
• Avoid alcohol-based skin products the first week.
• Avoid intentional and direct sunlight for 24 hours.
• No tanning beds forever ☺
• Do not go swimming for at least 24 hours post-treatment.
• No exercising or strenuous activity for the first 24 hours post-treatment. Sweating and
gym environments are harmful, rife with bacteria, and may cause adverse reactions.
• After 48 hours you may return to using your regular skincare regimen.

• Immediately after your procedure you may be red and flushed. Your skin may become
swollen, dry, and tight, with slight sloughing. This is normal and should resolve within 2-
3 days. DO NOT physically peel any skin off as this can cause scarring
and/hyperpigmentation that can be permanent.
• Best results are seen with a series of 3-4 treatments, depending on each patient’s skin
quality and goals. For certain treatments such as acne scarring, it is typical to expect to
have a series of 6-8 treatments for best results. This will be discussed with your provider
at your visits and will vary for each patient.

Wrinkle Relaxers

• Avoid Advil, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Aspirin, Motrin, Vitamin E, Fish oil, St. Johns Wort, and
other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory products 14 days prior to treatment to help
decrease your chance of bruising.
• Do not stop taking any medications that have been prescribed to you without first
discussing it with your prescribing physician.
• Avoid alcohol 24 hours before your treatment to reduce the chances of bruising.
• Schedule your injections appt at least 1 month prior to a special event, such as a
wedding or vacation. To allow yourself time for a follow-up 2 weeks prior. Bruising may
be apparent in that time frame.
• You are not a candidate if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

• Do NOT massage/rub the treated areas for 24 hours.
• Do NOT perform strenuous activities (heavy lifting, cardio, yoga, etc.) for 24 hours.
• Do NOT lie down or bend over with your head down within 3 hours to avoid product
• No facials, massages, exfoliating, or using any Clarisonic devices for at least 7 days
following injections.
• Avoid tanning beds, steam rooms, and saunas for 24 hours.
• Please wait until the day after treatment before wearing hats or headbands.
• Bruising may occur after injections, and typically resolves within 7-14 days. If there is
bruising at the injection site, apply ice and/or arnica gel.
• Reassess the treated areas at the 3-week mark, if you have remaining or asymmetrical
movement, please call the office to schedule a follow-up visit. We will adjust your dose
for next time to ensure the results are perfect!
• Please keep in mind, everyone is unique and the longevity and amount of product
required will differ per person.

Prf Ez Gel

• Avoid Advil, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Aspirin, Motrin, Vitamin E, Fish oil, St. Johns Wort, and
other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory products 14 days prior to treatment to help
decrease your chance of bruising.
• Do not stop taking any medications that have been prescribed to you without first
discussing it with your prescribing physician.
• Avoid alcohol 24 hours before your treatment to reduce the chances of bruising.
• Since this treatment requires your blood to be drawn, it is important for you to drink
plenty of water leading up to your appointment. 64 oz at minimum is recommended.
• Taking arnica tablets for 3 days prior to your appointment may also be beneficial to help
reduce bruising and swelling.

• There are minimal restrictions after your PRF injections allowing you to return to your
daily activities almost immediately.
• Do not touch, press, rub, or manipulate the treated areas for at least 8 hours after your
• Do NOT perform strenuous activities (heavy lifting, cardio, yoga, etc.) for 24 hours.
• If you experience discomfort or pain, you may take acetaminophen/Tylenol as directed.
• You may apply ice to the injected area for 15 minutes after the procedure for comfort.
• Do not use any lotions, creams, or make-up for at least 6 hours after your treatment.
• It is normal to experience bruising, redness, itching, soreness, and swelling that may last
7-14 days following your procedure.

• Swelling can be normal and it will settle after 1-2 days.
• The treated area may look asymmetrical or uneven (especially in the tear troughs or
lips) for up to 7 days following the procedure, this is normal.
• The treated area may feel firm when touched, this is normal.
• Usually, best results are seen with a series of 3-4 treatments, depending on each
patient’s skin quality and goals.

• PRF does not require “touch up” treatments as it is your own body’s natural growth
factors working over the course of several weeks to months after treatment. We
recommend that you wait at least 4 weeks after each PRF treatment for assessment and
any additional treatments.


• Avoid Advil, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Aspirin, Motrin, Vitamin E, Fish oil, St. Johns Wort, and
other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory products 14 days prior to treatment to help
decrease your chance of bruising.
• Do not stop taking any medications that have been prescribed to you without first
discussing it with your prescribing physician.
• Avoid alcohol 24 hours before your treatment to reduce the chances of bruising.
• Schedule your procedure at least 1 month prior to a special event, such as a wedding or
• You are not a candidate if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

• Please massage treated areas! You will want to massage 5 times a day, for 5 minutes,
for 5 days following your treatment. This is important to do as it prevents nodules and
stimulates the collagen production.
• Do NOT perform strenuous activities (heavy lifting, cardio, yoga, etc.) for 24 hours.
• A few days after treatment, the injected volume will absorb and you will look as you did
before treatment. This is normal. Your body will gradually build collagen in the
treatment areas and full results may be seen in about 6-12 weeks.

Prf Hair Restoration


• Avoid Advil, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Aspirin, Motrin, Vitamin E, Fish oil, St. Johns Wort, and
other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory products 14 days prior to treatment to help
decrease your chance of bruising.
• Do not stop taking any medications that have been prescribed to you without first
discussing it with your prescribing physician.
• Avoid alcohol 24 hours before your treatment to reduce the chances of bruising.
• Since this treatment requires your blood to be drawn, it is important for you to drink
plenty of water leading up to your appointment. 64 oz at minimum is recommended.
• You are not a candidate if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
• Shower the morning of your treatment and wash your hair very thoroughly using your
regular shampoo.
• Do not apply sprays, gels, or any other styling products to your hair.

• It will be normal to experience bruising, redness, itching, swelling and/or soreness that
may last from 3-5 days following your treatment.
• In rare cases, skin infection or reaction may occur, which is easily treated with an
antibiotic. Please contact our office immediately if you notice unusual discomfort.
• Do NOT perform strenuous activities (heavy lifting, cardio, yoga, etc.) for 24 hours.
• Do not wet your hair or use any hair products for at least 6 hours after your treatment.
• Avoid Minoxidil (Rogaine®), hair coloring, and straightening for 3 days.

PDO Threads

• Please schedule PDO threads 2-3 weeks prior to any important upcoming event. Avoid
all dental work 2 weeks prior and 2 weeks post-treatment.
• If you’ve started any antibiotics 7 days prior to your procedure, please let us know so we
can reschedule your appointment.
• Avoid Advil, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Aspirin, Motrin, Vitamin E, Fish oil, St. Johns Wort, and
other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory products 14 days prior to treatment to help
decrease your chance of bruising.
• Do not stop taking any medications that have been prescribed to you without first
discussing it with your prescribing physician.
• Avoid alcohol 24 hours before your treatment to reduce the chances of bruising.
• You are not a candidate if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

• Bruising and swelling is normal and expected – if bruising is visible you can start taking
oral Arnica and apply topical Arnica cream to affected areas.
• Asymmetry and irregularity of the tissue is common and will resolve on its own in about
2 weeks.
• Pain at the insertion points is normal and may last several days to 2 weeks after
treatment. Tylenol can be taken if desired, unless you have been otherwise directed by
your primary care physician. It is advisable to avoid anti-inflammatories such as
Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, and Aleve) as they can suppress new collagen formation. ​Do
NOT​ stop taking any prescription medications without consulting your prescribing
• Do not apply ice or heat to the area for 4 weeks.
• Gently wash the treated area as required, but do not rub or massage for 4 weeks.
• It is important not to overstretch the treated area (i.e. open the mouth wide or animate
excessively) for 4 weeks (avoid dental treatment during this time if possible).
• No strenuous exercise (weight lifting, running) for 1 week.
• No tanning beds forever ☺
• Do not have facials, facial treatments, microneedling, Radio-frequency, IPL, Laser or
other heat treatments near the treated area for 4 weeks.

what they're saying:

"Absolutely thrilled with my results! Susanna was professional, attentive, and tailored the treatment perfectly to my needs!"

- Natalia D

what they're saying:

"Incredible experience! The injector was skilled and made me feel at ease. I love my natural-looking results and feel more confident than ever. Highly recommend!""

- Sarah H

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